Circular letter appealing for funds. English letter for School Students of Class 7, 8, 9, 10 and 12

Circular letter appealing for funds

The Massive Trinity Aid Society

January 18th, 20 …..

Dear Sir,

How would you feel if you were starving to death? Yet, within a mile of here, there are more than a hundred families on the verge of starvation. It is a terrible thought.

Those of us who have to do with the Massive Trinity Aid Society know the blank horror with which these starving folk face each succeeding day. It is no fault to theirs that they have fallen so low. The fault is a social and an industrial one, for beyond their reach to remedy.

Can you sit in a comfortable armchair, beside a warm fire, and enjoy any peace of mind when you know that these poor wretches are deprived of everything in life worth having? We thing you cannot.

Will you send us a trifle? Every penny received is used in providing relief. There are no salaries to pay and all workers are voluntary.

Yours faithfully,

Elia Ellis

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