Are India and China Stars of the 21st Century?
The world to-day reckons that India and China are moving very fast for becoming economic power houses of the 21st century. This has sent shock waves through allies all over the world. The global economists, investors and analysts have very close eyes over India and China. What has been common knowledge among them is that the growth of both the countries began in the early 1990s. China started reporting 10% plus growth rate year after year. India adopted the policy of liberalization and Foreign Direct Investment (FDI), which resulted in sharp improvement in its economy. India started growing at a respectable 6% plus continuing for last 15 years. If this goes to 8%-10% per year, the size of India’s economy will double every seven or eight years.
China and India were much poorer than the developed West at the time of their independence. Both the countries were educationally, industrially, scientifically, technically, economically and politically backward. India and China were surviving on the mercy of the West even till late 1970s. It is logical that they played catch-up economic policy for moving all along global scenario and never saw back. Both the countries are the best contenders in accelerating global competition. The economic experts anticipate that India and China may shake the foundations of world economy in the next ten years. Lauding the economic progress of India and China, the economists and analysts also say that both of them are emerging as economic super powers and can play the role of stars of 21st Century within next 20-30 years.
India and China are most populated countries in the world. Tremendous changes have overtaken after their independence. Both the countries improved their literacy rates by creating attraction for jobs in various institutions, Corporate Sector and Public Sector Undertakings. There was a revolution in both the countries in the field of Human Resources Development which started from late 1960s and it changed the capabilities in the field of science and technology. India and China created world class infrastructure for Research and Development work. Their institutes for technical and management studies which are producing new technology, efficient engineers and well trained managerial professionals for working in their industries and other important fields carry the reputation of world class. Their industries, agricultural production, trade and commerce started flourishing and steering to occupy the position in the global market. There had been a big advantage for both India and China that they are themselves the large consumers within their countries, which has been very helpful in the growth of their economy.
China is advancing very fast in creating physical infrastructure for its nation building. India has also set up the task forces on infrastructure, information technology and other fields. It has succeeded in launching a number of satellites one after another. India is getting a number of benefits in the fields of education, meteorological services, space research, information technology and so on through satellite network programmes. India is availing new technology and further advancing in the field of science and techno-logy day-by-day.
There is so much construction going on in both the countries for streaming their transportation and air services. The Chinese are building the world’s largest dam, longest bridge, fastest train, tallest building and highest railroad bridges among the other things. India has also shown remarkable development in the country. The work of 3000 kilometer National Highway road, consisting four lines traffic system, is under progress. It will cover almost all big cities and business centres of the country. This project was sanctioned during 2001, when there was NDA’s regime in the country. The first phase of Metro Rail service for mass transit has already been completed in Delhi. Cities like Bangalore, Hyderabad, Mumbai, Ahmedabad will soon have the Metros comparable to the best of the world. India has planned for executing a number of power generating projects within next 5 years and all will start generating power before 2011. It will solve the problem of power shortage and will have best effect in productivity in India’s modernised industries. India is progressing in the field of distance education through satellite in a scientific manner. A number of universities in the country are running professional courses and other useful educational programmes through this system. The rural part, which was neglected for education so far, is equally benefited through the system of distance education.
China is spending about two hundred billion annually on expansion and India is spending about 150 billion against on development programmes. It gives an idea that both the countries have the big goals of achievement. It is the reason why big changes have taken place in both India and China during the last ten years. Seeing the speed of progress which is in rising order, it is predicted that both the countries will move far ahead in next twenty years and will become big powers of the world.
Both the countries have gained a lot in the field of tourism. China has done more in this field, if we compare this with India. The international airports in China are of American standard. Each of them handles about 25-30 million foreign tourists every year. As regards Indian airports, the UPA Government has now undertaken for modernising the two international airports namely Delhi and Mumbai. India intends to modernise another twenty-two airports of the country by giving international standard within next five years. Indian Government has chosen the hilly terrains of the country for raising tourism infrastructures by using available resources and its geographical features. India anticipates a big jump in the number of international tourists with beautified airports and fashionable tourists places in the country.
India and China are nuclear powers and both the counties are militarily strong. Their capability is becoming more and more deterrent day-by-day. They are moving for achieving more decisive position in international politics in the corning years. India and China are becoming influential in the world and can play a big strategic role during 21st century.
Both the countries are doing very well in the field of trade and commerce. They have the good trading links with all the countries of the world. They are earning handsome foreign exchange through their business of export. They are moving fast for becoming economic forces in the world. There is no doubt that India and China, which are emerging in the world order, are the stars of the 21st century.