English Essay on “Our Railway System” English Essay-Paragraph-Speech for Class 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12 CBSE Students and competitive Examination.

Our Railway System

Our Railway system is the largest in Asia and the fourth largest in the world. More than a million passengers and six hundred thousand tons of freight are carried daily by the railways.

The first railway in India was started in 1853 between Bombay and Thana for a distance of 32 kms.

Our railways developed faster and faster and now they employ more than 1 million people.

Under the five year plans new railway tracks are being laid and narrow tracks are being broadened. More coaches and wagons are being made. More railway engines team and diesel are being made at Chittaranjan and Varanasi. In all railway stations basic facilities such as waiting halls, toilets, drinking water supply and proper booking arrangements are provided. Fast moving trains have been introduced and electric trains are gradually extended.

Railway construction often depends on the nature of land surface and climate. Across hilly parts and in areas of heavy rain and snow there are fewer tracks.

Even so, railway tracks have been laid across Western Ghats, the Vindhyas and the Satpura. There are also railway lines on the eastern and western Himalayas.

Railway transport is the most important and popular means of transport in our country. It is the safest and quickest type of land transport over long distances. It is especially good for carrying bulky material. The cost of transport is low and the carrying capacity high.

Raw materials are taken to factories and finished products are distributed all over the country. They are also carried to the ports of export. Transport is also important for the defense of our country. Our country is largo and our armed forces are placed at many different parts of our country. Railways help to supply regularly food and other products needed by the forces. In case of war, they help in transporting the forces arms and ammunitions quickly.

Railways are also very important during famines and other misfortunes like epidemics and earthquakes. They can carry the necessities of life in large quantities at a time and thus serve the dying people. Travel by trains is very comfortable. People prefer to travel by trains as some of the trains are moving homes. The fast trains like mail or express run at a speed of 60 kms per hour, stopping only at a few important stations.

There are several main lines connecting directly all important towns in India. Many branch lines link towns and villages with the main lines. Some of the railway tracks even reach up to the mines and factory areas. The vast size of our country and population require more railways, more engines, and more wagons and n/die coaches. Most of our trains are slow and overcrowded as compared to the trains of Japan and other advanced countries.

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