A Man and a Beggar
There lived a man by the name ‘Ramesh. He was very rich but was quite wise also. One day he saw a beggar approaching him with a bowl in his hand. The beggar said, “Please give me some alms. I am very hungry.” Ramesh took pity on him and took out his wallet to give him some, money. Just then an idea flashed in his mind. He said to the beggar. “Give me something first.” The beggar got confused. He did not know what to do as he had never come across such a person. Out of disgust he threw a grain of rice at Ramesh saying, ‘Take this!” Ramesh took out a fifty-rupee note from his wallet and put it into the beggar’s bowl. The beggar felt very bad and sad. He thought he should have thrown more grains of rice at the rich man. He got the lesson, learn to give first then expect something. Moral:-Before being a taker, be a giver.
so a nice story I love it very much, very nice moral great job!!