Essay, Paragraph on “The Sale” English Composition in 200 words for kids and Students of Classes 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, College and Competitive Exams.

The Sale

It was the last day of the Great Singapore Sale. Mrs. Taylor jostled through the crowd at the entrance of the department store. She wanted to buy a sweater that was on sale. She hoped she was not too late.

Mrs. Taylor went to the third floor. She rummaged through a pile of sweaters on a table but she could not find what she wanted. Just then, she saw a brownish sleeve sticking out from under a pile. It was the one that she wanted! She tugged at it but it would not move.

“Stop pulling! I saw it first!” shouted a voice.

Mrs. Taylor looked up in shock. She saw another lady holding on to the sweater. Before she could say anything, the lady walked off, clutching the sweater to her chest.

“Hey!” shouted Mrs. Taylor. She ran after the lady and tried to grab the sweater from her. The lady was furious. She glared at Mrs. Taylor and told her that she had seen the sweater first. By then, a large crowd had gathered to watch the two women pulling at the sweater. Neither was going to give up.

Finally, a sales assistant rushed up with another similar sweater. She gave it to Mrs. Taylor, who took it grudgingly. She glared at the other lady before walking off to pay for the sweater.


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