Write a letter inviting your mother as you are being awarded a prize on the Annual Day of your school.

Letter inviting your mother as you are being awarded a prize on the Annual Day of your school.

17 B, Vasant Kuni

New Delhi

29 January, …..

My dear Mother

For the past many days I have not received any letter from you. Maternal uncle is often worried about this. I hope by the grace of the Almighty you will find yourself in rosy health. The Annual Day of my school is scheduled to take place on 16 February. The Home Minister of State, Shri ……. has been invited to be the Chief Guest on this occasion. Besides the other items of the programme, a play will also be presented on the stage. In this drama, I am playing the part of the hero. You will be glad to know that the prize of the Best Player of the school is being awarded to me on this day.

You are, therefore, requested to be present along with Priyanka on this occasion. With kind regards to Papa and love to Rajiv.

Your son


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