Write a letter to the Postmaster of your region informing him about the change of your address.

Write a letter to the Postmaster of your region informing him about the change of your address.

C-1/52 Vikas Puri,


July 1,2008.


The Postmaster,

Vikas Puri,



Subject-: Change of postal address.

Dear Sir,

I would like to bring to your kind notice that I have shifted from P-57 Vikas Puri to C-A/122, Janak Puri. In fact, I had to shift in such urgency that I could not tell my friends and relatives about the change of my address. They may send the letters to my previous address.

I, hence request you to send all my letters to my new address. In the meantime, I shall inform my friends and relatives about the change of my address.

Thanking you

Yours faithfully


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