Letter to a Circus Company requesting a free performance in aid of drug de-addiction camp.
The Manager,
Orient Circus Company,
Rambla Maidan Kanduili,
Sub: Free performance in aid of drug de-addiction camp.
Dear Sir,
This is in furtherance of our discussions held on 2.6.97 on the above subject. I am writing this letter in the capacity of Secretary, Students Welfare Society. I am sending my request in writing as desired by you so that you can put it before the Director of your company for his kind consideration.
Your good self knows very well that drug addiction has been destroying the lives of innumerable students stealthily. So we have been organizing a drug de-addiction camp for two months. It will involve an expenditure of about fifty thousand rupees.
Many doctors of repute, psychiatrists, and businessmen have assured us of their help. It will be very kind of you and your company to give a free performance in aid of this humanitarian cause. We, the students will feel very much obliged to you for this help. It will also give your Circus Company-wide publicity and popularity. We undertake to sell all the tickets ourselves.
Will you please let us have your favorable reply within a fortnight.
Yours sincerely,
Amit Yadav
Students Welfare Society,
Dayanand Vedic College,