The Place of Women in Indian Society
For centuries women have suffered under the tyranny of man-made laws and she had always been given second place. She was seldom given her due as a daughter or as a wife. She was considered inferior to her husband and moreover it was he who controlled all her movements.
Orthodox people regard woman as inferior to man and according to them profession like doctor, lawyer, engineering etc. are meant only for men and not for women.
But, today, women are no longer regarded as inferior to men as our Constitution has granted them equality of status and opportunities with their counterparts.
As a result they have proved themselves in various fields of life as doctors, lawyer, scholars, novelists and even as politicians. There is hardly any field in which women have not participated and shown their worth. Orthodox people who considered them inferior to men had to accept their worth.
Today, they have the right to vote, to contest elections and they hold high positions in government with men. They now have a say in public matters and have been accorded equal opportunity with men in fulfilling the task of shaping the future of our country. They are also asked to state their views/opinions regarding the affairs of the country.
It is seen that in medical and nursing profession they prove better than their male counterparts. Even at the times of war they have been preferred over males due to their natural skill to tend and comfort.
Women can play a vital role in the rural upliftment of India because they can easily take up the difficult issues of family planning and child welfare with the rural woman folk, and they can train women and girls alike in work like knitting, drawing, embroidery etc.
Moreover, in order to progress women must shake off the age old chain of slavery and superstition. They need to broaden their outlook towards the life and at the same time men also need to come out of their shell of superiority and accept women equal to them and not as decorative pieces.
In India we had a galaxy of illustrious women in modern times and other women ought to take inspiration from them.