Write a love letter to your lover in reply to his letter.


19 June

My Sweetheart

I hope you are well by the grace of the Almighty. I received your letter yesterday. The contents of the letter have created in me a weird feeling. You yourself ran away to Mussoorie all alone and now you are sending me your invitation. Here it is extremely hot. The day is plunged in the scorching heat of the sun and even moonlit nights are not so cool. There is no sign of any black and white clouds. On reading the letter, I did, of course, feel the pulse of Mussoorie’s coolness, its happy environment, and the bright moonlight.

My heartthrob! It is quite certain that we have to come to Mussoorie. But some sort of obstacle or the other presents itself in our way daily. Today it has been firmly decided to overcome those hindrances. We shall leave for Delhi by the evening train and the next day we shall arrive at Mussoorie by bus. Your happy visage will afford me the full pleasures of the bright moonlight.

Without you, Jaipur is dull and desolate. My complaint that you did not tell me in advance about your departure for Mussoorie will remain evergreen. I have felt a little bit relieved after receiving your letter. We shall stay in Arya Samaj Temple. Please inform Savita also.

The rest on arriving at Mussoorie.

Yours lovingly


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