Essay on “Should Mothers Go Out to Work?” for School, College Students, Long and Short English Essay, Speech for Class 10, Class 12, College and Competitive Exams.

Should Mothers Go Out to Work?

In today’s world of women’s liberation and equal rights given to them the question seems irrelevant. A woman is   an individual in her own right. She should be treated at par with man. If men, as fathers, can go out to work, why not women as mothers? On the other hand some die hard orthodox people, feel that a woman fulfills herself when she becomes a mother. When she becomes mother, her entire world centers around bringing up children. She should devote all her time in shaping them as good citizens. Why she should go out when the man in her life, her lord and her master, is there to earn for her and the whole family. The thought is revolting.

All of us see the nursing mothers going out to work as labourers. It is really a pathetic sight. They work because of their economic compulsions. If they have the opportunity they will gladly sit at home, but they can’t. Rural Mothers work alongside man in fields leaving infant children under the shade of a tree. In cities-and towns lots of mothers go for work leaving their infants at places suitable to them. As such it is the duty of the employers that these women get some extra facilities during pregnancies and nursing periods.

It is clear thus that there is no asking the question, whether mothers go out to work. Rather we should be interested in providing for relief and facilities to working women. This can be best done by proper change in the attitude of man. Man should provide a helping hand to her in household chorus while at home and while at work the rules and regulations should be liberal for working women especially for the mothers. The society has a duty to provide extra facilities to the people who perform a very special task of bearing children and nursing them.

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