English Essay on “Sonia Gandhi” English Essay-Paragraph-Speech for Class 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12 CBSE Students and competitive Examination.

Sonia Gandhi

Sonia Gandhi is the most famous personality of India of the modem times. She is a woman of strong character and great inner qualities. She had been an extremely devoted wife, a considerate daughter-in-law, a loving mother and a good human being.

Sonia Gandhi was born in a small town Obassano in Italy on 9 Dec. 1946. Sonia was a very lovable person right from her childhood days. She would win over everyone’s hearts with her innocent gestures and pleasant disposition. Rajiv Gandhi got attracted to her due to the beauty of her heart, soul and mind. Sonia was introduced to the late prime-minister of India Indira Gandhi in the year 1965. Sonia Gandhi was not interested to enter politics, but she had to change her mind after the death of her husband, Rajiv Gandhi in the year 1991. Rajiv Gandhi was killed on May 21, 1991 by a group of suicide bombers. Sonia Gandhi was stunned by Rajiv’s untimely death. This was a terrible blow in her life. But inspite of that, she didn’t lose heart. She took up the reins of her life for the sake of her children and the nation.

Sonia Gandhi joined active politics in the year 1998.

She was elected as the Congress president in the same year.

In the year 2004, Sonia Gandhi got the unanimous consent of UDF allied parties to take the responsibility of the prime-minister of India, but she declined the offer; when some people made a big issue of her foreign origin. She-sacrificed the post of the prime-minister and suggested the name of Manmohan Singh for the post. Sonia Gandhi was therefore appointed as the president of-Congress and United Progressive Alliance.

On the question of office of profit she resigned from the post of the chair person of National Advisory Council and from parliament too. She seeks a fresh mandate from the Raibareli constituency again and won by over 4 Lac 20 thousand votes and forfeited the deposits of all the opponents.

Sonia Gandhi is a woman of substance and great will power. She doesn’t lose heart in the midst of vicissitudes and obstacles, but face the tribulations of life bravely.

Long live the brave leader of our nation!

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